Keys to Conquering Coronavirus Closures

Get tips & tricks from our Master Trainers and Distributors to open up your business following Coronavirus.
open sign in window of business

Guide to Re-Opening Your Beauty Salons and Warehouses Following Coronavirus

Hello, all of you salon moguls and product distribution boss babes! We hope this blog finds you all in good health. It has been a crazy couple of weeks, and if you are anything like the team at My Absolute Beauty, you are itching for COVID-19 closures to come to an end!

Luckily it looks like in the coming weeks, we will see significant changes in multiple states across the country. States are going to begin opening back up, and so are salons and beauty distribution businesses! Whether you have been shut down entirely during this pandemic or not, we are here for you!

My Absolute Beauty reached out to our master trainers and distributors to get the inside scoop on how they plan to get back into the groove following the coronavirus shutdown. Keep reading for valuable advice from our leading ladies!

Assure you are Following all State Board Recommendations and Laws for your State Concerning Coronavirus

It can be easy to fall back into the same old routine that you had before COVID-19 came into play. There is one problem with this: Odds are, your former safety and sanitary precautions are not up to scratch anymore. As beauty salons and distributors, it is your responsibility to ensure customer safety.

Keeping on top of the ever-changing rules and recommendations can be overwhelming! Ensuring that your salon or beauty distribution business/training center is up to date on all of the requirements is essential to your success upon reopening.

We recommend that you visit your state’s board of cosmetology sites daily to check up on any changes that need to be implemented into your business. By being on top of all the recommended precautions, you will help your customers feel safe to return to their regular interactions with your company.

Spread the Word to Customers - Finally Open After COVID-19

The questions on all of our minds: How do I spread the word about my business opening their doors? What can I do to make clients feel safe and comfortable in my salon? We reached out to our master trainers and distributors to get their insights on how to keep your salon bubbling with business. Here are some of the responses:

“For myself, I will just have to send out an email and post on social media. My clients are waiting patiently and not so patiently waiting. I think in most cases just announcing it and ensuring clients that you are taking all the proper precautions. There may be some clients that are hesitant. I only want them to come in when they feel ready.”

  • Cortney Cox 

“People will be lined up at the doors once salons are deemed safe to open!! It would be a great idea to send them all a message with an open date and how we plan to keep our salon safe and clean.”

  • Kelly Rhode

Notice a theme here? Spread the word to your customers! Send out a text, email, newsletter, video, etc. announcing that you are up and ready to roll! For stylists, your customers have been anxiously awaiting the day that your doors will open. Those lashes and brows are begging to be tamed!

Coronavirus Means an Update to your Sanitation Procedure

With the Coronavirus still looming, it is an excellent idea to inform your customers of procedural changes that you have put into effect to ensure their health and safety. By showing your customers that you take sanitation seriously, you will put their anxieties to rest.

Boss babe Kristen Money shared with us that she has “ordered clear vinyl bed covers and will remove linens to use the vinyl for easy cleaning and wiping down in between clients.” What a great idea!

Cortney Cox says: “I will be wiping common touched things like door handles, chairs,

 tables between clients. I will be wearing a mask and gloves for every service. I think for services I can apply it to, I may ask clients to wear masks.” 

Good call! It’s smart to sanitize those surfaces that often get neglected. Facemasks are a great piece of PPE to add to your regime as well, and will likely be required by many states.

Again, we urge you to stay up to date on all of the local requirements for your salon to ensure your business meets the ever-changing standards of the industry to remain open until the COVID-19 threat dissipates.

Follow These Tips & Tricks to Stop The Spread of COVID-19

Our Master trainers and distributors shared some thoughts about their tips and tricks on opening your doors again after the coronavirus closures. We have accumulated them for you below!

woman wearing mask

“Pre-order all PPE gear and supplies in advance because if we do not have enough on hand, we can not operate. I would also write out a step by step plan as to what new method will be used for daily sanitation.”

  • Kristen Money

“You need to make sure you are washing things in hot water and detergent followed by hot dryer settings. If you are sick or near someone sick, obviously they must reschedule. “

  • Cortney Cox

“One main thing I want to talk about is communicating effectively with customers and clients on how and what they will be doing to ensure everyone’s safety once they are opened.”

  • Stephanie Branham

Use These Keys to Conquer Coronavirus Closures

As we have talked about, the best way to open your doors after COVID-19 is to do it with cleanliness. Regularly check up on your state regulations, and be sure to implement them into your daily practices.

Make sure that your customers and clients are aware of the new procedures you have implemented to help ensure their safety and stop the spread of Coronavirus! This will help your clients feel safe in your salon or buying from your warehouse.

Stay safe and healthy out there! We hope that each of you can put these practices into gear soon in your businesses. We look forward to seeing your companies flourishing!

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