How To Build Trust With Your Clients (Part Two)

Because trust is the foundation of a strong rapport with your clients! In part one, we began our exploration of building trust with clients and approaching it first as an inside job — embracing your expertise, being your own hype...

The post How To Build Trust With Your Clients (Part Two) appeared first on My Absolute Beauty.

Because trust is the foundation of a strong rapport with your clients!

In part one, we began our exploration of building trust with clients and approaching it first as an inside job — embracing your expertise, being your own hype woman, and validating yourself. We also touched on finding confidence and taking ownership. It’s in these little and gradual things that clients take note and want your services. 

At My Absolute Beauty, we want to help you build trust with your clients, and while most of it is an inside job, we’re here to teach and guide you to provide the best microblading and lash lift services — your work will speak for itself. Take a moment now, and learn a couple more tips for building trust with your clients!

Building Trust: It’s An Inside Job!

We’ll repeat this over and over, but in order to persuade your clientele and sell them on microblading and lash lift services, you’ll have to first know and believe that you can do it. 

Clients smell fear, they just do. It’s a sixth sense! There’s more good stuff below!

Walk In Abundance

Sometimes we come from a place that lacks — we don’t think we’re the best or we’re nervous to try out a new microblading technique. This is a-okay, and most everyone experiences it. It’s okay to be uneasy or second guess yourself, for a moment, but you can’t live here. Instead, it’s about applying what we know as a growth mindset and moving forward. 

It’s stepping into abundance. 

When we step into a space where we’re confident in ourselves and knowing our beauty skills floweth, we’re one step closer to giving the best damn lash lift of the year! But on the other hand, if we come from a place that lacks, that will only manifest as lacking in our skills. 

Don’t compare yourself to where others are in their careers or what they’re doing, focus on you, your bad-ass skills and what you can give to your client. 

When you step into abundance, it’s just another piece to confidence and your clients see it and value it!

Go towards the obstacle. 

When it comes to building trust with our clients, many of us don’t want to rock the boat or shake things up, and for the most part this will work your entire career. But building trust always begins as an inside job, and if we’re worried about an outcome or obstacle, and we never address it — whatever it may be — we lose. So go towards the obstacle and let it guide you. Perhaps you hate confrontation, are afraid to fail, or are a perfectionist — when we don’t lean in, again, we lose. Lean into what you’re afraid of and do the scary thing — have a confrontation with a coworker, invest in your business, or let go of control. This is only an invitation to be better, and when you’re striving to be the best damn beauty professional you can, you win trust. 

Set boundaries.

Boundaries — what we’re willing to accept or not accept — teaches people how to treat us. For example, if our bedtime is around 9 pm and your best friend from across the country calls you after 9 pm and you pick up, this indicates that she can call you after 9 pm. If this is fine, no worries, but if you begin to get angry and resent her, you need to make a stronger boundary by not answering the phone when she calls late. 

The same is true for your clients. They love to push us and see what they can get away with! If you have a client that is repeatedly late and you inform them of it and they still disregard it, rethink this relationship with this client. When healthy boundaries are established and you can tell clients what you expect, not only will it win you the right kind of clients who respect you, but the trust in your abilities and services is further solidified. 

Invest in your business and invest in yourself.

Investing in yourself — monetarily — is one of the greatest forms of self-care. It goes beyond bubble baths and masks and it invites you to improve on what you’re already doing so fabulously. 

Maybe you want to take a class and offer a different service or maybe you want to go apprentice and perfect your microblading technique at a salon a couple states over. Both cost money, but it’s money you’re putting into yourself, which will pay off in so many ways along the way and in your career. 

The more experience and training you have, the more your clients will put microblading and lash lift services into your hands! 

Cultivating trust, as we’ve explored over the last two posts, really begins with you — the beauty professional. It’s all about exploring mindsets such as abundance and walking towards the obstacles. It’s learning to set boundaries and investing in yourself.  

As the beauty industry continues to grow and add innovative services, it can be difficult to set yourself out among the crowd of beauty professionals. But start right where you are and begin with the basics. Trust and good customer rapport is an essential!

If you’re ready to expand and level-up your beauty business by adding microblading and lash lifts, check out our online or in-person trainings today! 


The post How To Build Trust With Your Clients (Part Two) appeared first on My Absolute Beauty.

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